Dell Error I Got Today

At work, we have an old Dell server that’s been a real workhorse, except today. It stopped responding to the network on some services and would not let anyone log in on the console. After a hard boot, it got the error “HA at baseport E890h is not responding” when trying to spin up the drives in the PERC II RAID. (“HA” means “Host Adapter”.) I’m putting this here, because no one else seems to be writing about this, at least according to Google and Yahoo!.

I finally found some documentation for the PERC 3 RAID cards that mentioned checking connections and SCSI terminations. Our solution: power down, reseat the drives in the array, power up. This worked, but had it not we would also have checked any other connections relating to the PERC II.

There. Now you know. (Google should be indexing this soon.)

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