A TSA Anti-rant

I don’t like having the TSA searches that we have now in American airports, but there is at least a point to it, even if it is a serious pain in the ass (and seems pretty silly at times). Sometimes it is just security theater, to at least start doing *something* about the pretty serious problem of planes exploding and falling out of the sky or plowing into business centers, power plants and other important places. It’s imperfect as hell, and still needs to be watched over and picked apart, but at least we are trying.

With that, here’s a Mother Jones article that’s been making the rounds of some of the social justice circles I’m in: “My TSA Anti-Rant:”

But guess what? The fact that you personally are annoyed — you! an educated white-collar professional! — doesn’t mean that the process is idiotic. I’ve heard it called “security theater” so many times I’d be rich if I had a nickel for each time it popped up in my browser, but although the anti-TSA rants are often cathartic and amusing, they’ve never made much sense to me. All the crap that TSA goes through actually seems pretty clearly directed at improving the security of air travel.

RTFA for more.

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