Pro-Gay Marriage Counterprotest (sort of) Thursday AM

From a OneIowa email:

“Proud to be an Iowan? Show up at the Capitol Tomorrow!

Iowa is facing record challenges – people have lost their jobs, we’re facing a budget shortfall, and we’re recovering from devastating floods.

Yet, with all these challenges – opponents of equality are planning to push a divisive amendment at the legislature tomorrow! Tomorrow, the Iowa Family Policy Center expects 500+ people to attend a rally in support of amending the Iowa Constitution to exclude gay and lesbian families!

We’re asking our supporters to show up tomorrow with a simple message: “We’re proud of our state, want our legislators to focus on issues of common concern, and oppose a divisive amendment to the Constitution!”

Proud to be an Iowan Gathering
Thursday, April 9 – 8:30 AM
Iowa State Capitol
Meet at south doors to pick up materials and One Iowa t-shirts
Please RSVP!

PS: Don’t forget to contact your legislators! They need to hear from you NOW!”

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