Gonzalez Denied Tenure

Guillermo Gonzalez has been denied tenure at ISU. This is a good thing. You may remember that Gonzalez is the ISU creationist professor who is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Hopefully, this will help ISU be known more for real science, not religion dressed up in a cheap costume. This quote from John G. West of the Center for Science and Culture at the DI, regarding the anti-Intelligent Design statement signed by over 120 ISU faculty in 2005, is a real gem:

“What happens to the lone faculty member who doesn’t agree and happens to be untenured,” he asked. “That is practically, with a wink and a nod, a call to deny him tenure.”

He calls this “ideological discrimination.” Cry me a river. It’s calling a spade a spade.

Ames Tribune article found via Red State Rabble.

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